Component initial state

Our clap component is very uninteresting if it can’t actually keep the number of claps, or if it’s static the way that we have it here where it’s just alerting one clap, when it has no interest in actually retaining claps clapped. Now the cool thing about our class components is that they can keep state. So let’s start by defining an initial state. We do that in the constructor of our class. With all constructors we need to call “super” first. Then we can assign a state to every instance as it gets created. Our state will be an object with claps=0. There will be zero claps when we start. Now our component appears to work because we hit claps the first time we get one claps, but the second time we also get one clap because we’re just statically printing that out. However, we can make that a little bit more dynamic by alerting this.state.claps + 1. While that doesn’t actually retain the state, we can see that this one clap is at least dynamically created off of this zero number from our initial state. That is progress.

Play video: Component initial state
  1. Course overview
  2. Project setup
  3. ReactDOM.render and React.createElement
  4. JSX
  5. Functional components
  6. Props
  7. Class Components
  8. onClick and other events
  9. 👉Component initial state
  10. setState - object form
  11. setState - functional form
  12. Conditional rendering in JSX
  13. essential react 13
  14. Fetching pokeapi data
  15. componentDidMount
  16. setState and fetch
  17. Lists with
  18. componentWillReceiveProps
  19. Component props
  20. Render props
  21. Separation of Concerns with components
  22. Higher-order components
  23. defaultProps
  24. Render prop actions
  25. Course summary